Post Extraction Care

Ok you have just gotten your teeth extracted, you would probably have the following questions right now (trust me I know because I've been through it): -

  1. What should I do to prepare beforehand?
  2. Am I allowed to brush or floss?
  3. What am I allowed to eat?
  4. Do I take painkillers?
  5. What should I do if it starts to bleed?
1. What should I do to prepare beforehand?

First of all make sure you eat a nice filling meal, it may be a while before you can eat again, I had chicken curry noodles hehe. After that brush and clean accordingly, most importantly remember to NOT TAKE ANY PAIN RELIEF MEDICATION before the appointment, most of these medications thins out your blood and could make you bleed more post extraction.

2. Am I allowed to brush or floss?

On the day the extraction occurred I substituted my electric toothbrush with a manual one, I also refrained from using my water flosser and reverted to manual flossing.

Gargling is not allowed at all for at least the first 24 hours post extraction and all brushing, flossing must be done gently, avoiding the extraction are at all costs. this is to ensure that enough time is given for a clot to form over the wound and thus preventing a situation called the dry socket

Web MD has more information on what this is and how you may prevent it here

3. What am I allowed to eat?

 Try avoiding any solids for at least 24-48 hours, I had soup, tofu and congee on the day my teeth were extracted but pretty much went back to normal the day after, this would differ depending on your case, note that my premolars were extracted, I'd expect wisdom teethe extraction to hurt a lot more though I've yet to experience that, you may read more about wisdom teeth extraction here

4. Do I take painkillers?

As mentioned above definitely not before the procedure but I took some immediately after before the local anesthetic wore off, I was instructed to take some every 4-6 hours if the pain persisted but never had to take another dose after as I was in no pain whatsoever

5. What should I do if it starts to bleed?

A bit of spotting is normal for the first week or so as the wound heals but if it gets excessive bite down on a gauze until the bleeding stops, if it persists please see your orthodontist immediately

That's all I can think of for now, if you have any further questions that aren't addressed here please feel free to ask me in the comments section!

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