Monday 18 May 2015

Damon Clear Braces Progress - Day 58

Well its been 58 days (aka close to 2 months) since I got my top row braced so I guess I should show some progress pictures, here's a snapshot

 photo day58_zpsv8noy3kb.png

As you can see my canines have come down quite a bit and my front row teeth have come forward a bit to line up with the canines. The right canine is a bit more stubborn whereas the left one is almost in line with the rest of my teeth now

My archwire has also straightened out a bit from day 3 to day 58 which is pretty exciting =)

The top premolar extractions happened around day 30 (I will do a late post on the extraction process later on) and I am at present waiting for the canines to rotate into position and also of course for the gaps to close

One thing that is really obvious now (for me anyway) is how jacked up my teeth were before this which is especially obvious when I compare the top and bottom rows (bottom row is yet to be braced)

And if this is how I feel 58 days into treatment I cant wait to see what the final results will look like

All the pain, lack of confidence and food abstinence is suddenly worth it

Oh and I am the fittest I've ever been in my life thanks to the brace diet, I have even managed to burn off the elusive belly fat that I've always had despite by best efforts at eating well lol

Any questions please feel free to ask in the comments section, I will do my best to address them

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